Request from Councilmember Matarrese to Consider Directing the Interim City Manager to Prioritize an Alternative Process and Plan for Alameda Point., July 27, 2010


With the expiration of the ENA with SunCal , the Council/ARRA, directs the City
Manager to prioritize an alternative process and plan for Alameda Point that
includes the following

Propose a comprehensive plan for job creation and commercial development at
Alameda Point, including but not limited to:

New leasing polices for the Point, presented immediately, with the goals
of: attracting new businesses , increasing investment in historic buildings
by current/new tenants and furthering success of existing maritime
specialty foods/beverages , technical , light industrial and recreational

Review the current Housing Element including Alameda s Regional Housing
Needs Assessment to guide forming a residential development targets that align
with the housing/jobs balance and City housing policy

Work with the Navy, the VA, the State Tidelands Trust and the Bay Area
Congressional delegation regarding next steps , highlighting regional job creation
as a top priority

Explore and propose a plan for the Council/ARRA to consider a non-profit local
development corporation , chartered and mandated by the City of Alameda to
facilitate this plan for Alameda Point

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