“The Initiative does not provide details on the off-site street network that would be enhanced or improved as part of this Project. The current General Plan identifies the planned streets that would be needed to accommodate development in the City. In addition, it is unclear why the current General Plan Policy 9.4.s was proposed to be deleted in the Initiative. This policy requires the redesign of RAMP [Ralph Appezato Memorial Parkway] to include a landscaped multi-modal transit corridor for buses, jitneys, or future light rail development. This policy has been replaced by a proposed policy in the Alameda Point Community Plan that limits the improvements to this street to West Atlantic Avenue, which is only inside the Alameda Point area. The deletion of this General Plan policy may affect the traffic diversion associated with TDM measures. . . . Therefore, the analysis in this report may understate the actual traffic impacts on City streets and the potential for diversion to alternative transportation modes.” (P. 9.)