
Memo from City Manager to City Council Recommending Approval of Resolution Denying...
Outline Background Two Remaining Mandatory Milestones .Finalized Navy Term Sheet .Disposition and Development Agreement Discussion .Denial of SunCal Modified OEA ..Findings for Denial ...Lack of Commitment to Mixed-Use Transit-...
Added: Jul 15, 2010 at 6:11 PM
Alameda Journal: Volunteers restoring vintage jets at Alameda former naval air station
Excerpt: A 1960s-era A-7 Corsair II jet at Alameda Point flew again recently, briefly, and for one of the final times. On the morning of July 8, following an hour of preparation, a crane carefully hoisted the shell of the A-7 from its...
Added: Jul 15, 2010 at 3:14 PM
Alameda Journal: SunCal attorney says Alameda could face lawsuit
Excerpt: The investigation into whether City Councilwoman Lena Tam leaked confidential information was a blatant attempt by Interim City Manager Ann Marie Gallant to stop SunCal Companies as a possible developer for Alameda Point, a lawyer...
Added: Jul 15, 2010 at 3:07 PM
San Francisco Business Times: Suncal threatens to sue Alameda city manager
Excerpt: Suncal Co.s is threatening to take legal action against the city of Alameda and its interim city manager for “jeopardizing its efforts” to redevelop a 770-acre portion of a former Navy base on the island city. The developer...
Added: Jul 14, 2010 at 6:38 PM
The Island: Alameda Point jets getting makeover
Excerpt: Two jets that have long greeted visitors to Alameda Point are getting a makeover. A trio of local airplane enthusiasts has been working since May to restore an A-4 Skyhawk blown off its pedestal at the Point’s Main Gate during a...
Added: Jul 14, 2010 at 6:14 AM
Letter from SunCal's Attorney to the City Council declaring that the Exclusive...
Excerpt: Our firm represents SCC Alameda Point, LLC (“SCC Alameda”). We understand that the Alameda staff intends to place on the July 20, 2010 agenda of the City, the ARRA and the CIC (collectively, “Alameda”) a vote on whether to extend...
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Added: Jul 13, 2010 at 8:53 AM
Letter from SunCal's Attorney to City Council alleging that the City Manager has...
Excerpt: Interim City Manager Ann Marie Gallant intentionally has led the City in the opposite direction for over a year. She has engaged in a malicious campaign to vilify SCC Alameda, destroy the project, impair SCC Alameda’s contractual...
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Added: Jul 13, 2010 at 8:41 AM
Public Records Act Request from SunCal's Attorney to City Clerk, July 12, 2010
Far reaching Public Records Act request relating to SunCal and Alameda Point.
File attachments:
Added: Jul 13, 2010 at 8:24 AM
Excerpt: An attorney representing SunCal Companies has accused Interim City Manager Ann Marie Gallant of engaging in a “malicious campaign” to stall the developer’s plans in an effort to put the city in charge of development at Alameda...
Added: Jul 13, 2010 at 6:24 AM
Alameda Sun: Navy Seeking Cleanup Input
Excerpt: The Navy would like to hear from the public about its plans to clean up Installation Restoration (IR) Site 34 at Alameda Point. IR Site 34 is a 4.18-acre site along the Oakland Estuary northeast of the North Gate, which leads to...
Added: Jul 8, 2010 at 9:35 PM
