The Island: City officials restart planning process for Point, October 7, 2010


City officials have restarted the process for redeveloping Alameda Point, setting a series of meetings with community members, the city’s advisory bodies, developers and existing Point tenants in the hopes that a loose plan can be ready to go by June 2011.

“We want any information we can glean from the community about their priorities,” Planning Services Manager Andrew Thomas told the City Council, which was sitting as the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority, on Wednesday night.

The eight-month outreach effort will begin with a trio of two-hour community meetings. They’re hoping to talk about lessons learned through past planning efforts, differing perspectives on what should be done at the Point and ideas for economic development at the Point. The forums are scheduled for November 9 at Grand View Pavilion, November 18 at Mastick Senior Center and December 8 at the Albert H. DeWitt Officers Club on Alameda Point.