East Bay Times: Faction Brewing granted long-term lease at Alameda Point, April 12, 2018


Beer lovers look set to continue hoisting ales, stouts and other varieties produced by Faction Brewing at Alameda Point for at least another 10 years.

The business at 2501 Monarch St. — a former U.S. Navy aircraft hangar with a sweeping view of the San Francisco Bay and skyline — secured a renewal on its lease with the city, plus options for two 10-year extensions.

The brewery, however, is facing a big rent hike to still offer up such beverages as “Hipster Conformant,” “The Penske File” or “Crosby, Stills and Hash.” Its current rent of $13,000 a month will jump to $20,150 within a year.

The rent will eventually climb to about $26,291 if the brewery stays at its spot in the former Alameda Naval Air Station, according to city officials.