The Alamedan: Planning Board to discuss Alameda Point jobs plan, November 26, 2012


City leaders will be kicking the tires on what staffers are calling “a sensible and targeted approach” for bringing jobs to Alameda Point that focuses on expanding the business sectors that already call the Point home.

Members of the Planning Board will have their say on the proposed economic development strategy for the Point at the board’s regular meeting tonight, and the City Council is expected to take it up on December 5.

City leaders have abandoned an earlier strategy that could have put thousands of homes at Alameda Point in favor of one more focused on jobs, which they believe will provide greater economic benefits for the Island. The consultants who drafted the federally funded draft strategy said the city should seek to expand the marine and food and beverage industries and artisan manufacturing outfits that have already chosen to call Alameda and the Point home.