Alameda Sun: Point Plans Taking Shape, August 7, 2014


If all goes as planned, condominiums on tree-lined streets and a community-oriented pomenade will stand in place of the vast expanse of concrete on the northern shore of Alameda Point’s Seaplane Lagoon.

In addition the fenced-in western shore of the lagoon will be turned into parkland and boats will dock at a marina on the western shore. There will even be a small park just off the dock where the United States Marine Administration’s (MARAD) Ready Fleet stands.

The city is one step closer to creating a transit-oriented community with extensive public waterfront parks and promenades at Alameda Point. In July, the City Council approved the Waterfront Town Center Plan for Alameda Point last month. The approval marked what the city calls "the final major planning document necessary for development of the waterfront lands centered on the Seaplane Lagoon."