Alameda Journal: Alameda voters to decide Measure B on Tuesday


Television commercials. Political door hangers on front porches. Signs on lawns.

On Tuesday, voters will decide the fate of Measure B, SunCal's development plan for Alameda Point.

Supporters say the measure will jump-start environmental cleanup and help prevent the ongoing decay of buildings, sewers and other infrastructure at the former Naval base, which closed more than a decade ago.

They also say SunCal's proposal — which calls for about 4,500 new housing units and 350,000 square feet of retail space — offers "green, sustainable, transit-oriented development at Alameda Point," according to their ballot argument.

Opponents disagree, vehemently.

They say SunCal's ballot measure will allow the developer to sidestep the city's planning process — and so give away local oversight — and that it will cause traffic congestion and other problems in the city's West End.