Memo Regarding License Agreement with the Alameda Soccer Club for the Use and Management of the Hornet Soccer Field for a Total of Five Years, October 17, 2017


1. License Agreement with the Alameda Soccer Club



The Alameda Recreation and Parks Department (ARPD) collaborates with the Alameda Soccer Club (ASC) on its fields to provide soccer opportunities to Alameda youth. The City currently has two leases with ASC for their use, operation and maintenance of the Lexington Fields and Hornet Field at Alameda Point. This has been a successful partnership that allows ASC to use these fields for hundreds of youth participants while also taking a financial burden off of the City for maintenance of those fields.

On November 15, 2016, the City Council authorized an amendment to the Hornet Field License Agreement to include the operation and maintenance of the adjacent tennis courts to create additional soccer field space. ASC intends to repurpose these old, unused courts into new soccer and futsal fields.

The current Hornet Field License Agreement expires in February 2019; however, ASC requested to start a new 5-year term license agreement in order to provide assurance to their project’s grant funder that the field will be actively used for at least the next five years.