Memo: Recommendation to Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Amendment to an Agreement with Urban Planning Partners (UPP) to Add the Amount of $11,500 for a Total Contract Amount of $267,792 for Consulting Services Related to the Prep, April 4, 2017



1. Map of Main Street Neighborhood Area

2. Consultant Agreement and First Amendment to Agreement

3. Second Amendment to the Consultant Agreement



In November 2014, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) awarded a grant of $250,000 to the City of Alameda to prepare the Main Street Neighborhood Specific Plan (Specific Plan) for a 108-acre area (Exhibit 1) at the former Naval Air Station Alameda, now called Alameda Point. The award of the grant was a direct result of Alameda Point being named a Priority Development Area (PDA) by MTC, a designation that was approved by City Council resolution on October 7, 2008.

A specific plan for the Main Street Neighborhood must be prepared and approved before new development can occur in the Main Street Neighborhood Sub-District, as required by the Alameda Point Zoning District (Alameda Municipal Code 30-4.24), which was approved by City Council on February 4, 2014. The Specific Plan lays out the development guidelines and regulations for future development within the Main Street Neighborhood.

On February 19, 2015, the City awarded a contract in the amount of $252,292 to Urban Planning Partners (UPP) as the lead of a team of professionals in the areas of land use planning, economic analysis, urban design, sustainable development, historic preservation and community outreach and consensus building. The team consists of Cultivate Studios, Community Design +Architecture (CD+A), Bay Area Economics (BAE), Sustainable Agriculture Education and Page & Turnbull.

On September 20, 2016, the City Council approved a contract amendment to extend the term until December 31, 2017 to finish the Main Street Neighborhood Specific Plan. City staff is now recommending a 2nd amendment to the contract to add funding to pay for additional work that was not anticipated and to complete the final Specific Plan, which was approved by both the Planning Board and City Council at their respective public hearings on January 23 and March 21. The work to complete the Specific Plan is anticipated to be completed in April 2017
