Memo from City Planner to Planning Board Regarding Public Review of the Draft Alameda Point Waterfront Town Center Plan, April 28, 2014



The WTC Plan will implement the Reuse Plan, the Planning Guide vision, and the General Plan policies for a transit- and pedestrian-oriented, mixed use transit village at Alameda Point. The WTC Plan implements this vision through a wide variety of regulations, standards, and guidelines for both public improvements and private investments. The three major characteristics of the WTC Plan are:

I. Form Based Regulations: The WTC Plan provides specific regulations, standards, and design guidelines to shape the form of the physical environment and the use of land to create a waterfront-oriented transit village that is pedestrian, bicycle and transit friendly and supported by unique regional recreational and open space opportunities.

II. Seaplane Lagoon: The WTC Plan establishes the Seaplane Lagoon as the center of the WTC plan area and Alameda Point, with water- and land-based transit services (ferries and buses), recreational opportunities (kayaking, sailing, bicycling, walking), visitor services (waterfront restaurants, commercial services, museums, and hotels), and parks and habitat conservation areas (promenades, public plazas, wetlands and open space).

III. NAS Alameda Historic District Guidelines: The WTC Plan provides guidelines for in-fill development within those areas of the WTC plan area that overlap with the boundaries of the NAS Alameda Historic District (e.g., taxiways between the Seaplane Lagoon and Hangar Row).