Alameda Journal: Alameda: Planning Board gathers input on Alameda Point 'town center,' October 16, 2013


ALAMEDA -- Pan American China Clipper flying boats would set off for the Pacific and U.S. Navy seaplanes once taxied ashore where city officials hope to create a "town center" along San Francisco Bay.

But some residents want to make sure the former Alameda Naval Air Station's rich history will be reflected in the parks, ferry terminal and other amenities now recommended for its future.

"We need to honor what we have out there," Nancy Hurd of the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society said Monday as the Planning Board gathered public input on the proposals.

Along with a ferry terminal, the proposals include spots for boaters and kayakers, a public plaza and possibly a landmark building or structure near the waterfront, where access would be limited to pedestrians and cyclists.

"Nobody should take this as a plan," Planning Board member John Knox White said, noting the proposals are just concepts to help guide redevelopment.