Blogging Bayport Alameda Questionnaire
Explain how you, as a member of the City Council, would address these issues facing Alameda; falling revenues, increasing costs, deferred expenses and Alameda Point redevelopment.
Falling Revenues: Alameda’s major source of General Fund revenue is property taxes; the second largest revenue source is a combination of other taxes — utility users, franchise, transfer, vehicle and hotel taxes. These tax revenues represent 75% of the 2012-2013 General Fund Budget. Sales tax contributes another 7%. To increase these major revenue sources, we need to assure that Alameda’s property values remain strong by supporting our schools because good schools are a major reason new families come to Alameda and the reason families with children stay here. By attracting new businesses and retail establishments to Alameda, we will create jobs and also increase revenue from utility user, franchise and sales taxes.
Increasing Costs: See responses to Questions 2 & 3.
Deferred Expenses: For some deferred expenses, such as road repair, we should be able to obtain Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) grants now that Alameda has adopted a Housing Element. It is essential to address deferred maintenance expenses for City infrastructure such as roads and sewer lines because these items often cost more to repair or replace when regular maintenance has been deferred. It can also leave the City vulnerable in emergency situations such as a bad storm or an earthquake.
Alameda Point Redevelopment: My vision for the future of Alameda Point aligns with the City of Alameda General Plan, the 1996 NAS Alameda Community Reuse Plan, and community input from subsequent Alameda Point workshops. That is, that Alameda Point would contain a mix of employment, open space, recreational, residential and retail uses, and would be transit-oriented, walkable and environmentally sustainable. The three steps I would advocate to implement that vision are:
1. Completion of negotiations with the Navy regarding transfer of Alameda Point to the City, including any outstanding issues such as level and extent of clean-up still to be completed by the Navy.
2. Amendment of the existing zoning for Alameda Point which is still zoned M-2/G (General Industry/Government Overlay) from its years as a Navy base. The Planning Board will soon consider recommending that the City Council approve amending Alameda Point zoning to include six sub-districts and a variety of land uses. This rezoning will ensure that redevelopment of Alameda Point is consistent with community goals set forth in the Reuse Plan and subsequent workshops, and also informs prospective Alameda Point businesses and development partners of what type of development will be allowed in particular areas.
3. The City should begin actively marketing and promoting new business and employment opportunities at Alameda Point, to add to the growing collection of businesses currently located there and increase revenues generated at Alameda Point.