Alameda Sun: Locals Bash Navy's Clean-up Plan


In a scathing letter, members of the city's watchdog group pilloried the Navy's clean-up plans for Alameda Point, saying it would leave in place a dangerous cocktail of toxic and radioactive waste that will be brought to the surface by an earthquake, global warming or burrowing animals.

The letter was signed by nine members of the Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) and was sent to various regulatory agencies.

"The proposed plan, if implemented, would leave uncharacterized industrial-type wastes in a condition vulnerable to future releases by seismic damage, shoreline erosion, site inundation and incursion by burrowing animals," such as ground squirrels, wrote George Humphreys, co-chair of the RAB. The RAB is the city's official liaison with the alphabet soup of federal and state agencies working on the clean up of the former Naval Air Station-Alameda.