Candidate Gilmore's answers to the Sierra Club Questionnaire
Regional Development:
We are an island with other built in difficulties for reaching housing densities. But that doesn’t mean we can’t plan regionally. Alameda must focus on bringing in more high paying sustainable employers that make or produce things, and that includes Alameda Point. Having a jobs housing balance will not only help the region, but it will help mitigate the traffic impacts of development at Alameda Point. Given the reality that the voters of Alameda are not going to amend Measure A any time soon, we are going to have to create residential benchmarks consistent with Measure A that residential developers at Alameda Point must meet before we move forward. While I know this is difficult financially, that is the reality. But if we focus the commercial use of Alameda Point on cutting edge industry, we can give the residential part of the equation a better chance.
Wildlife Refuge:
I will support whichever federal agency that is willing to remediate the toxics on the land. However, since the Navy is intent on doing a federal to federal transfer, Alameda will have no direct say in the matter of transfer. The Veterans Administration may also be underestimating the complexities and costs of cleanup. Establishing a wildlife refuge is a good idea and should be pursued.
Alameda Point Environmental Restoration:
According to the Navy, approximately 75% of the base has undergone remediation and is ready for transfer. Approximately 25% of the base requires remediation or is in remediation.
Unrestricted use is not the same as residential standards. Even with the property cleaned to residential standards, you would be unable to plant vegetables or fruit trees directly in the ground. Planter boxes would need to be used. Unrestricted use means that these precautions would not be necessary.
At the end of the day, the Navy is not returning the land to Alameda in the same condition in which they received it. Precautions will be necessary (see above) when using the land. Also, the Navy cleanup only addresses what’s in the ground. Many of the old buildings are not fit for use and must be demolished. They contain lead, asbestos and a host of other toxics that must be addressed as part of the reuse or development process.
Alameda energy policy:
As mayor, I would like to explore the feasibility of a solar farm at Alameda Point.
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