Candidate Tam's answer to the Democratic Club Questionnnaire

As your Councilmember, I think it is important to work collectively with our community as we determine the best alternative to revitalize Alameda Point. Since this would be my last term on the Council, I believe some key realistic expectations include (1) cleaning up the toxics at Alameda Point that is acceptable to our community and (2) conducting an Environmental Impact Report that analyzes a full range of alternatives and its corresponding impacts on the environment and economy, particularly on traffic. I firmly believe that these two things can be done in my last four years as your Councilmember. This will enable
the community to proceed on deciding upon the amenities we all want and determining how we will pay for these amenities with minimal risks to the taxpayers. Alameda Point continues to have the potential to be a great asset to Alamedans, as a well-­‐planned, transit-­‐oriented community of healthy neighborhoods with jobs, parks, senior and all housing types, open space, retail and commercial opportunities.

Candidates 2010: