Candidate Sweeney's answer to the Democratic Club Questionnaire
In four years I see the redevelopment agency and the city going forward with a plan to rehab and reuse the building. I see the City as the master developer like Ft. Ord. with additional commercial buildings and a housing component. (With global warming, Alameda Point will likely be flooded.)
As a member of the Restoration Advisory Board for 10 years I am very familiar with the toxic cleaned up Alameda Point. In four years, about 75% of Alameda Point will be transferred or ready to transfer to the ARRA. About 20% of Alameda Point will be in remediation or in the process of deciding on a remedy. 5% will represent presently unknown things that come to light each year.
As for the clean-up, the corners of the lagoon will be cleaned (The toxic lagoon bottom is overlain with 6’ of silt). The tarry waste near Encinal High school will be removed and dumped elsewhere. They will begin to cap the radium waste pits at the end of the run ways in the northwest territories. The Todd Shipyard will be cleaned.