Next Steps for Alameda Pt., July 21, 2010 - Candidate Matarrese's website

The expiration of the Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) with SunCal provides a great opportunity to sensibly re-use the former NAS Alameda with sound development at Alameda Point.

I am proposing that job creation and commercial/light industrial development at Alameda Point should be the primary re-use goals. They are in the best interest of Alameda as they answer concerns of our neighbors and build a sustainable future for our City’s economy.

To meet this goal, the implementation of the new leasing polices which I requested in the last few months should be finalized in order to attract new businesses, increase investment in historic buildings by current/new tenants and further the success of our business community currently located at Alameda Point.

I propose that we review the current Housing Element including Alameda’s Regional Housing Needs Assessment so that a common sense target for the number of new residential units in Alameda is set based on the housing/jobs balance and meets City housing policy requirements.

I will work directly with the Navy, the VA, the State Tidelands Trust and the Bay Area Congressional delegation regarding next steps while placing regional job creation as a top priority

There are a number of ways to meet these goals. As an alternative to having a Master Developer, I am requesting the Council/ARRA to evaluate an approach that has a non-profit local development corporation, chartered and mandated by the City of Alameda, to facilitate implementing the plan for Alameda Point.

In these challenging times, there are many reasons to feel uncertainty, but there is also great opportunity. We have a chance to re-use the Base to the benefit of Alameda and the region.

Candidates 2010: