Memo Regarding Resolution Approving the Rebuilding the Existing Supportive Housing at Alameda Point (RESHAP) Development Plan and Density Bonus Waiver, September 25, 2017



1. RESHAP Development Plan

2. Letter from Collaborating Partners Requesting Waiver Pursuant to AMC 30-53 Density Bonus Ordinance

3. Resolution Approving RESHAP Development Plan and Density Bonus Waiver



On March 21, 2017, the City Council approved the Main Street Neighborhood Specific Plan which fulfills the General Plan policy objectives for a transit-oriented mixed-use, mixed income neighborhood with diverse housing options, parks and open spaces, neighborhood serving businesses and transitional commercial uses. One of the primary objectives of the Specific Plan is to facilitate the consolidation and rebuilding of the existing supportive housing groups that are currently located in 70+ year old deteriorating housing scattered across 34 acres of the Main Street Neighborhood.

The supportive housing groups include Alameda Point Collaborative (APC), Building Futures with Women and Children (BFWC), and Operation Dignity. The housing groups, working with nonprofit affordable housing developer MidPen Housing Corporation, are collectively known as the “Collaborating Partners”. In 2015, the Collaborating Partners partnered with their respective residents, David Baker Architects and Urban Design Innovations to select a preferred location for their rebuilding project and design criteria for their future rebuilding project. Their preferred site was incorporated into the approved Main Street Neighborhood Specific Plan.

On December 15, 2015, the City Council unanimously approved an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA) with MidPen Housing, as Developer, and the Collaborating Partners for the site 9.7-acre site south of W. Midway to relocate and reconstruct new facilities to support the long-term needs of their communities (Project). The remaining land would be available for private development to help fund the infrastructure for both the Collaborating Partners’ site and the new development.

On April 4, 2017, the City Council approved an Implementation Term Sheet with Mid-Pen and the Collaborating Partners, setting up a process similar to that used in the negotiations of the Site A Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA), whereby the City Council approved a non-binding term sheet to use as a guide to address key issues in the DDA at the same time that the Development Plan would be reviewed and approved through the City’s planning process.

One of the key terms is that the City will use its best efforts to select a market rate developer for the adjacent 20+ acre property to fund the infrastructure for the developer’s and Collaborating Partners’ sites. For this to be financially feasible, the market rate developer may require up to the remaining 291 units under the 1425 housing cap, assuming the 800 units for Site A, 267 for the Collaborating Partners, and 67 existing market rate housing.

On April 24, 2017, the Planning Board held a study session to review the initial Development Plan and provided comments to the architectural and development team to refine itsplans. Feedback included topics such as placement of buildings on the site, vehicle and bicycle parking, street alignment and the desire for more detail on the plaza and barn and how the project would be phased over time.