Memo Regarding Recommendation to Approve Interim Main Street Striping Plan, December 3, 2018



1. Interim Main Street Road Section

2. Main Street and Stargell Intersection Improvements


Recommendation to Approve Interim Main Street Striping Plan

To: Members of the Transportation Commission

From: Liam Garland, Public Works Director


The Environmental Impact Report (EIR), General Plan Amendment, and Master Infrastructure Plan (MIP) for Alameda Point was approved by the City Council on February 4, 2014. The MIP includes street sections for backbone roadways within Alameda Point including Main Street. The approved Main Street roadway section includes conversion of the existing four lane roadway to a three lane roadway with separated cycle track and pedestrian pathways.

Although significant development activity has taken place since the adoption of the MIP, it will likely be several years before Main Street is reconstructed to the MIP approved configuration. Staff has developed an interim plan to restripe Main Street into a three lane roadway and provide for continuous Class 2 bike lanes from the intersection of Pacific to the Main Street Ferry Terminal entrance. The proposed street section is shown in Exhibit 1. The revised configuration would calm traffic and improve safety for motorists and cyclists. The project, limited to striping improvements, is anticipated to cost less than $100,000 and can be completed within the next three months using existing Capital Budget appropriations for traffic striping and roadway improvements.

The Transportation Commission is asked to review, accept public comment, and approve the interim striping plan for Main Street.