Memo Regarding Proposed Transportation Program and Fees for Alameda Point Existing Businesses Consistent with the Alameda Point Transportation Demand Management Plan, January 24, 2018



1. Alameda Point Transportation Demand Management Plan

2. Proposed Transportation Programs for Existing Businesses at Alameda Point

3. Program Costs and Fee Revenues for Proposed Transportation Programs

4. Comparison of Transportation Service Options



After significant outreach with existing businesses, the proposed transportation program includes the following services for 2018 (Exhibit 2):

1. AC Transit EasyPasses and Line 96. AC Transit EasyPasses will be provided to all employees at Alameda Point and the City will be working with AC Transit to adjust the Line 96 to serve more of Alameda Point. These adjustments will come back to the Transportation Commission at a later date.

2. Subsidized Carpooling. Employees who carpool to Alameda Point via Scoop and Waze will have their trips subsidized between $2 to $12 per trip depending on the distance of their trip.

3. Incentivized Bicycle Commuting. Contract with the company, Ride Report, to develop a bike tracking program for Alameda Point to reward employees who commute via bicycle to and from Alameda Point, to allow employers to incentivize bike commuting and to track data regarding bicycle commuting.

4. Marketing and Information Sharing. Develop marketing materials and maintain and upgrade the Alameda TMA website to promote Alameda Point transportation program and services.

Based on current cost estimates developed by the City’s TDM expert, these programs are expected to cost approximately $100,000 in 2018 to be funded by fees paid for by existing tenants at Alameda Point consistent with the TDM Plan and as required by their leases with the City. Exhibit 3 summarizes the estimated costs for these services and programs and the fee amounts by type of business and for each of the businesses at Alameda Point, as well as the line item budget amounts for the management and operations of the TMA. Numerous other options were considered including branded electric vehicles, private shuttles, and Chariot private commuter shuttle service. These options were not preferred by the tenants and staff because they were more expensive, and provided less capacity and service duration (Exhibit 4). The proposed transportation programs are in addition to LimeBike, other services and programs to be funded by Alameda Point developers and the City’s other efforts to implement the recently approved Transportation Choices Plan. Again, if approved by the Alameda TMA and the Transportation Commission, City staff will bring the proposed transportation program and fees to the City Council for ratification later this winter.