Memo Regarding Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) (and Related Documents) between the City of Alameda and MidPen Housing Corporation, Alameda Point Collaborative, Building Futures with Women and Children, and Operation Dignity, May 15, 2018



1. Map of Existing and Proposed Supportive Housing Sites
2. Resolution Approving RESHAP Development Plan and Density Bonus Waiver
3. RESHAP Development Plan (attached as Exhibit H of the DDA and Exhibit B of the DA)
4. RESHAP Phasing Plan
5. Disposition and Development Agreement
6. Summary Report for an Agreement to the Sell the RESHAP Parcel
7. Development Agreement
8. Environmental Compliance Checklist (attached as Exhibit E of the DDA)


The recommendation to approve a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) and Development Agreement (DA) for rebuilding the existing supportive housing at Alameda Point into a new 9.7-acre supportive housing development and community (RESHAP) is an important step forward toward providing housing for formerly homeless households and to ensure the existing supporting housing accommodations are rebuilt into a new cohesive community and well integrated with the rest of Alameda Point and Alameda in general.

The three supportive housing groups provide a unique and critical service to the Alameda community, each with a distinctive focus and clientele that includes persons struggling with homelessness, poverty, mental health concerns, veteran status, and domestic violence. Each supportive housing group is currently housed in former Navy buildings under Legally Binding Agreements (LBA) that were negotiated with the County of Alameda and the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority when the base closed and have approximately forty (40) years remaining in the term. The supportive housing groups include: Alameda Point Collaborative (APC), Building Futures with Women and Children (BFWC), and Operation Dignity, known together as the “Collaborating Partners” each described below: