Memo from City Manager to City Council Regarding Recommendation to Approve Evaluation Criteria for Alameda Point Development Proposals, October 15, 2013

Recommendation to Approve Evaluation Criteria for Alameda Point Development Proposals. (Base Reuse 819099)

To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

From: John A. Russo, City Manager

Re: Approve Evaluation Criteria for Alameda Point Development Proposals


Now that the City owns significant portions of Alameda Point, the City is focused on facilitating near-term construction at Alameda Point, which has the potential of generating thousands of jobs, millions of dollars in tax revenue and over a thousand housing units, which will result in important economic, environmental, social and health benefits to the City and region. In the interest of commencing near-term development at Alameda Point, the City is preparing for City Council consideration in early 2014 a comprehensive zoning ordinance amendment (Zoning Amendment) and associated General Plan Amendments, a Town Center and Waterfront Precise Plan (Town Center Plan), a Master Infrastructure Plan (MIP), and an environmental impact report (EIR) for Alameda Point (collectively, Planning Approvals).

As the property owner of much of the Alameda Point property, the City Council also must decide how it will dispose and develop property. Staff presented its strategy for disposition of the Alameda Point property to the City Council and Planning Board on September 25, 2013. At that meeting, members of the City Council and Planning Board requested that staff propose criteria that will help staff and the City Council review and evaluate the merits of individual development proposals over the next several years. This staff report proposes evaluation criteria and recommends that the City Council approve them with any amendments this evening.


The proposed evaluation criteria are as follows, and are ultimately dependent on the successful approval of the Planning Approvals for Alameda Point under consideration by the community, Planning Board, and City Council:
· Consistency with the City's General Plan.
· Consistency with the anticipated or approved Zoning Amendment.
· Consistency with the anticipated or approved Town Center Plan.
· Consistency with the Conceptual Planning Guide for Alameda Point.
· Consistency with the anticipated or certified EIR for Alameda Point.
· Consistency with the City's Fiscal Neutrality Policy with greater attention paid to proposals that generate fiscal impacts beyond fiscal neutrality, resulting in positive net benefits to the City's General Fund.
· Consistency with the anticipated or approved Master Infrastructure Plan for Alameda Point.


There is no financial impact to the City's General Fund or Base Reuse Department budgets related to the approval of the evaluation criteria.


No environmental review is required as approving evaluation criteria is not a project under CEQA. CEQA Guidelines, section 15378 (b). The criteria, if approved, is a continuing administrative activity, i.e., creating general policies and procedures.


Approve evaluation criteria for Alameda Point development proposals.

Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Ott, Chief Operating Officer - Alameda Point

Financial Impact section reviewed,
Fred Marsh, Finance Director