Memo from City Manager to City Council Regarding Endorsement of the Alameda Point Planning Guide, July 23, 2013


The City of Alameda is preparing a comprehensive zoning ordinance amendment
(Zoning Amendment), Master Infrastructure Plan (MIP), Town Center and Waterfront
Precise Plan (Town Center Plan) and environmental impact report (EIR) (collectively,
"Planning Approvals") to implement General Plan and Naval Air Station Alameda
Community Reuse Plan (Reuse Plan) policies for the reuse and redevelopment of
Alameda Point. In January 2013, the Planning Board reviewed and commented on an
initial draft of the Zoning Amendment. These initial comments revealed the need for a
comprehensive vision statement or planning guide for Alameda Point to ensure that all
of the City's Planning Approvals worked together in a coordinated fashion to achieve a
common vision for Alameda Point.

In response to this request, City staff, in concert with a Planning Board sub-committee,
created a conceptual "Planning Guide" (Guide) that integrates a broader vision
statement with an explanation and depiction of the master planning approach and
concepts for Alameda Point and detailed descriptions of each of the major sub-areas.
The vision statement, master planning concepts, and sub-area descriptions were based
substantially on the 17 years of previous planning documents and efforts, including the
1996 Reuse Plan, 2003 General Plan Amendment, 2006 Preliminary Development
Concept, 2008 Calthorpe Plan, and 2010 Going Forward Community Workshops. The
street and open space networks and sub-area delineations and character remained
generally consistent throughout these community planning processes.