Memo from City Manager to City Council Regarding Contract in the Amount of $256,292 to Cultivate Studio and Urban Planning Partners (UPP), Inc. to Prepare the Main Street Neighborhood Specific Plan for Alameda Point, March 3, 2015
Scope of Work
Specifically, Cultivate/UPP will perform the tasks summarized below and detailed in the proposed contract. Cultivate/UPP's work will be performed in four tasks.
Task 1: Understand the Plan Area Today. Cultivate/UPP will review previous Alameda Point planning and technical documents, prepare a base map that will serve as a reference for the project going forward, host project kick-off meetings with first City staff and then stakeholders, and finally draft an existing conditions profile which will serve as a comprehensive summary of the site and its assets and constraints.
Task 2: Identify the Vision & Preferred Alternative. Cultivate/UPP will prepare a market assessment of various housing types and densities. Working off this market study and the meetings in Task 1, they will then prepare a series of site planning alternatives. These alternatives will be presented to key stakeholders and, upon review, a preferred alternative will be selected.
Task 3: Prepare the Plan. Working from the input gained from previous tasks, Cultivate/UPP will then draft the Specific Plan components into an administrative draft for internal City review. Upon incorporation of feedback, Cultivate/UPP will prepare a public review draft of the Specific Plan that will be made available for public comment and presented to the City Council and Planning Board.
Task 4: Finalize the Plan. Based on comments received during the public engagement process, Cultivate/UPP will prepare a final draft of the Specific Plan for administrative review and Planning Board recommendation to City Council for adoption.