Memo from City Manager to City Council regarding Approving the Lease Building 397 Located at 1690 Orion Street at Alameda Point (in the Enterprise Zone), with Astra Space, January 3, 2017


1. Leased Premises

2. Final Lease



Astra Space, Inc. (Astra Space), formerly Ventions, LLC, is a San Francisco-based aerospace research and design firm with a ten-year history of developing aerospace technology in partnership with NASA. Ventions, LLC was founded in 2005 and reincorporated as Astra Space, Inc. in September 2016. Astra Space designs, tests, manufactures, and operates next-generation launch services that will enable a new generation of global communications, earth observation, precision weather monitoring, navigation, and surveillance capabilities.

Astra Space approached the City about leasing Building 397 because the design and layout of the building will accommodate Astra Space’s needs to test, research and develop aerospace technology and equipment. The building was formerly used by the Navy for much larger engine tests; Astra’s technology is new and smaller. This type of use is consistent with the City’s long-term vision for the Enterprise District and will not interfere with the timing of new development in this area. Astra Space currently occupies Building 397 under a license with the City as of November 22, 2016. This license will terminate once the commencement date for this lease begins (estimated March 1, 2017).