Memo from Base Reuse Director and Redevelopment Project Manager to Historical Advisory Board Regarding Historic District Principles and Infill Guidelines Section of the Draft Main Street Specific Plan at Alameda Point, February 2, 2017


NAS Alameda Historic District Infill Guidelines

The MSN Plan (p. 5.21 - 5.25) ensures that new infill development and building placement is consistent with the character-defining features of the Historic District and the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation, specifically in regards to siting, historic materials, features, scale, massing, proportion and landscaping. Approximately 20 percent (23 acres) of the Plan Area lies within the NAS Alameda Historic District, as shown in Exhibit 2 - Historic Properties Map.

In the MSN Plan, one of the key guidelines is that new development within the Historic District’s residential area will be limited to the replacement of the five existing non-historic buildings within the beehive portion of the Historic District and potentially replace a small number of NCO Quarters at the east end of Corpus Christie Road. The guidelines do not facilitate new construction in and around the historic structures, except for where there is a missing element in the historic fabric.

Examples of guidelines included in the Plan related to siting, scale, massing, and form, architectural style, entrances and fenestration and landscaping include:

• Matching the predominant front and side yard setbacks that exist within the historic neighborhood

• Maintaining the open lawn and park-like character of the beehive neighborhood with more sustainable options in lieu of lawn

• Compatibility with architectural influences that are already found in the neighborhood

• New buildings within the Historic District should be no more than two stories

• Set the heights of the foundation, floor levels, eaves, and upper roofline on a new building to be similar to the heights of those features on neighboring houses

• Historical design style buildings should have precedents in the neighborhood

• Doors and porches should relate directly to the public realm and support the historic character

• Traditional patterns of window and door opening should remain important influences

• Maintain existing mature landscaping