Memo from Assistant Community Development Director and Base Reuse Director to Planning Board Regarding Public Hearing to Consider Site A West Atlantic Design Review Application, including Final Surface Materials, Street Trees, Storm Water.., July 25, 201



1. West Atlantic Avenue Design Review Application


In June 2015, the City Council unanimously approved the Site A Development Plan for a 68-acre area within Alameda Point that extends generally from the Main Street entrance to Alameda Point to the Seaplane Lagoon and the eastern edge of the Naval Air Station Alameda Historic District (Historic District).

Since the City Council action on the Development Plan, the Planning Board and the project proponent, Alameda Point Partners (APP), and its team of architects and design professionals have completed Design Review for Block 11, Block 8 and the Phase 1 Waterfront Park approved on March 14, 2016, Design Review for Blocks 6, 7, and 10 and a use permit for Block 10 on June 27, 2016, and the Tentative Map for Phase 1 of Site A on July 11, 2016.

At this time, staff is recommending that the Planning Board review and approve the final Design Review for the reconstruction of West Atlantic Avenue between Main Street and Pan Am Way. The West Atlantic Avenue Design Review application (Exhibit 1) includes:

1. Final surface materials for the sidewalks, cycle track, and streets, including the final materials for the shared plaza in front of Block 11 and bike racks;

2. Street light designs for West Atlantic Avenue and side streets in Site A that will also apply to all other streets within Alameda Point;

3. Street tree species; and

4. Final design and landscape materials for the required storm water retention basins within the West Atlantic median.

The current application does not include final bus shelter designs, but does include illustrations depicting the “gateway” to Alameda Point at the intersection of Main Street and West Atlantic. (The final perspective illustration on page 10 of Exhibit 1 has not been updated with the final street section, but an updated perspective will be available prior to the Planning Board meeting.)