Memo from Assistant Community Development Director and Base Reuse Director to Planning Board regarding Resolution Recommending Planning Board Approval of the Site A Phase 1 Tentative Subdivision Map Application: PLN15-0570, July 11, 2016



1. Phase 1 Tentative Map

2. Resolution of Approval and Conditions for Phase 1 Tentative Map

3. Illustration of West Atlantic Avenue Street Design


In June 2015, the City Council unanimously approved the Site A Development Plan for a 68-acre area within Alameda Point that extends generally from the Main Street entrance to Alameda Point to the Seaplane Lagoon and the eastern edge of the Naval Air Station Alameda Historic District (Historic District).

Since the City Council action on the Development Plan, the Planning Board and the project proponent, Alameda Point Partners (APP) and its team of architects and design professionals have completed the Design Review for Block 11, Block 8 and the Phase 1 Waterfront Park, which were all approved on March 14, 2016. Since the March hearing, the Planning Board has held public study sessions to review the design of Block 6, Block 7 and Block 10. These study sessions were held on January 25, 2016, April 11, 2016 and May 23, 2016. In June, APP applied for demolition permits to begin the construction process for Site A. On June 27, 2016, the Planning Board approved the design review for residential Blocks 6 and 7 and the design review and use permit for the commercial Block 10 and provided comments on the tentative subdivision map for Phase 1 of the Site A development (Phase 1 Tentative Map). A response to the Planning Board comments on the Phase 1 Tentative Map is provided below.

Hard copies of the Phase 1 Tentative Map were provided to the Planning Board as part of the June 27th Planning Board packet. Additional hard copies are available upon request. No changes have been made to the map since its distribution to the Planning Board for the June 27th meeting.

At this time, staff is recommending that the Planning Board approve the Phase 1 Tentative Map. The Phase 1 Tentative Map is necessary to allow the commencement of construction of the public infrastructure, streets, and parks and approved buildings and has not changed from the June 27th public hearing. As described in greater detail below, the conditions of approval changed in response to comments by the Planning Board on June 27th. If the Planning Board approves the Phase 1 Tentative Map, then City staff will bring it to the City Council for approval in July.