City of Alameda Press Release: Department of Defense Awards the City $225,000 for Alameda Point Strategy, September 22, 2011


The Office of Economic Adjustment (OEA) under the Department of Defense (DoD) awarded the City of Alameda $225,000 in funds to prepare a detailed economic development strategy (Strategy) for Alameda Point, the 918-acre portion of the former Naval Air Station Alameda (NAS Alameda). The Strategy will result in a cohesive and targeted approach to leveraging the City’s existing commercial tenant base and attracting new commercial and institutional groups to the Alameda Point property, resulting in increased jobs and lease revenues that will help finance future predevelopment and implementation efforts at the property. Also, if the City is successful at attracting the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) Second Campus and its 800 employees to Alameda Point, this Strategy will help position Alameda Point competitively for capturing spin-off companies that want to co-locate near LBNL. The redevelopment of Alameda Point has the potential of creating between 6,000 to 9,000 permanent jobs and countless more temporary construction jobs, as well as millions of dollars of local and State tax revenues.