Alameda Point RAB [Restoration Advisory Board] Meeting on December 3 , 2009 : Highlights and Analysis [Groundwater Cleanup]


Alameda Point Remediation Status

Anna-Marie Cook (USEPA) distributed two pie charts: (1) Status of Alameda Point Investigation and Cleanup-December 2009 and (2) Alameda Point Designated Reuse-December 2009 (both are attached). Ms, Cook prepared these charts to graphically ilustrate for the RAB how much progress is being made in the CERCLA remediation of Alameda Point. The Status chart shows that CERCLA decisionmaking is complete for 1159 acres of Alameda Point, and for 359 of these acres , remedial actions have been completed. The Reuse chart is designed to illustrate the degree to which cleanup will permit unrestricted reuse. Of 1,229 acres outside of the Fed to Fed transfer parcels , 88 percent, all except 150 acres , is or will be clean enough to allow residential reuse.