The Alamedan Questionnaire

What is your vision for the future of Alameda Point, and what are three steps you would take to implement that vision?

We should be guided by the 1997 Vision and the recently passed Housing Element when building a variety of housing types but remain flexible to respond to regional economic trends when designating areas for commercial, office, light manufacturing, open space, recreation, etc.

Step One: Complete the no cost conveyance process
Step Two: Adopt flexible zoning ordinances consistent with the 1997 Vision
Step Three: Create a ferry based transit village featuring multifamily housing, senior co-housing, single family homes, and live work space. Establish an infrastructure assessment district to assist in financing the construction of roads and running utility lines.

[Additional Comment on Alameda Point]

Do you think there are unmet housing needs in Alameda? If so, what are they and how would you address them?
There are unmet housing needs in the City. We need a variety of housing types including multifamily, affordable senior co-housing, live work, and single family in order accommodate the needs of residents. At Alameda Point, a ferry based transit village housing project with a shuttle connection to 12th Street BART could fulfill a portion of our housing needs and not significantly contribute to the traffic through the Posey Tube.

Candidates 2012: