Memo from Recreation and Parks Director to Recreation and Park Commission Regarding Conceptual Design of Neighborhood Park within Site A at Alameda Point, September 8, 2016



1. Conceptual Design Submittal for Neighborhood Park


In July 2014, the City Council approved a Waterfront Town Center Specific Plan (Town Center Plan) for the area of Alameda Point that includes the land at the gateway to Alameda Point from Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway (RAMP) and the taxiways and several of the seaplane hangars along the northern edge of the

Seaplane Lagoon.

On June 16, 2015, the City Council approved the "Site A" Development Plan for the 68-acre area within the own Center Plan area that extends from the RAMP gateway at Main Street to the Seaplane Lagoon. The Site A Plan was designed to achieve a number of important General Plan, Zoning, and park and recreation objectives. The final review of the Site A Development Plan by the Recreation and Park Commission (Commission) occurred in spring 2015. The Illustrative Site Plan (page 8 of the Site A Development Plan) is shown below and the remainder of the document, including the open space drawings on pages 33-49, can be found at <>. The Site A Development Plan commits $36 million to parks and open spaces, including $5 million towards an initial phase of the regional sports complex, neighborhood and community parks, and 7.2 acres of waterfront promenades and parks along the Seaplane Lagoon, which require expensive shoreline and flood protection improvements.