Sierra Club Questionnaire

Toxics and Environmental Restoration:

As I understand the present agreement, the Navy is required to clean up Alameda Point for specific uses (residential, commercial, open space, etc.) and is using published human “safe” levels of toxins as the standard. While it is arguable that these standards actually protect humans, it is clear that the standards do not take into account other forms of life. Consequently, I do not believe that the clean up standards are adequate foe other living things.

I do not support the construction of residential housing over soil containing contaminants. I am interested in knowing what are the alternatives to being forced to accept deed restrictions? What options does Alameda have? Does the City have some type of leverage it can use to compel the Navy to clean up Alameda Point to a higher standard.

Regional Development:

Multifamily housing with basic retail and frequently used service businesses clustered around transit hubs with connections to Lake Merritt BART, Oakland CalTrain. Create a ferry stop at the seaplane lagoon. I would support the full implementation of the Housing Element and the use of the Density Bonus to promote work force and multifamily housing options.

Residents in underserved communities face a number of challenges in obtaining jobs – green or otherwise. People living in these communities may not possess the skill set to qualify for a job. An integrated GED/Trades program that gives the student the skills needed to perform the job is the first step. The training program should be coordinated with the building trades unions where union workers could teach students the advanced skills in green building, etc. Given the enormous opportunities at Alameda Point, I would support these types of relationships and would support including them in the project labor agreement.

Fauna, Flora, Open Space and Recreational Land Management:

I do support the creation of the wildlife refuge as a means of preserving the habitat for the wildlife and waterfowl living in the immediate area. I also support having EBRP District manage the refuge. The District has the staff and knowledge to manage the refuge. I do not see the VA hiring the necessary staff to manage the refuge.

I do not believe that the City should require EBRP District to purchase the land for the regional park using Measure WW funds. So long as the conveyance from the Navy to Alameda is free, I will support actions that would allow EBRP to manage the proposed park.

I would assemble a coalition of stakeholders and interest groups (potential users) to decide where to get the funds needed to perform the work needed to get this area [Enterprise Park] productive. I would then do outreach to secure volunteers to perform cleanup.

Jeff_Cambra_-_Sierra_Club_QA.pdf508.43 KB
Candidates 2012: