Memo from City Planner to Historical Advisory Board Regarding Alameda Point - Wayfinding Sign Program, April 3, 2014


The City is proposing a short-term (three to five years) Sign Program for Alameda Point to provide a thematically consistent group of wayfinding signs. The proposed signs include street names and addressing, informal landmarks and district naming. Signs are proposed for up to 25 locations throughout Alameda Point. Square Peg Design has prepared a Master Sign Program for short-term signage at Alameda Point (Exhibit 1). The Sign Program establishes criteria for identification signs for streets, individual building addresses, landmarks (e.g., USS Hornet), land use zones (e.g., Spirits Alley) as well as entire districts (e.g., Seaplane Lagoon). This Sign Program would update the Alameda Point Sign Program adopted by the Planning Board in 1998 (Exhibit 2).